Thursday, May 29, 2008


We went to go see this movie last night. It's been on my list since for awhile now, and I was eager to find out more about this group of senior rockers.

They did not disappoint.

If you haven't heard of it, this movie is a documentary about a chorus of elderly singers that take on songs ranging from Sonic Youth to James Brown to Coldplay to the Rolling Stones. And they do it in style. The group is all 70 and over, with the oldest almost in their 90s.

Through this movie, you follow the group as they prepare some new music for an upcoming show. You get to know several of the members in detail, and they are just adorable. I won't lie to you, there are some very poignant moments, and I did cry a bit. You just can't help it. You see in the folks a love of life. They openly discuss their last days, but they don't shrink from the idea of their own mortality. They go on with the show, and it's just touching.

Anyhow, I liked it. And if you have 2 hours to spare, you should check it out. Good stuff.

More info:
IMDB Movie info
Offical Young@Heart Group site

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