Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend: A Recap

We had no agenda. We had very few plans. It was great.

On one hand, we did a lot. On the other hand, we kept it low key. For some reason, the weight of a 3 day weekend hung heavy on me. It's like I had to fill it. I had an obligation to use this bonus time for something meaningful. But for us, the meaning came in the downtime.

The TV remained off for most of the time, which is a huge accomplishment for me. So instead, this is what we did:
  • Dog Sitting
  • For a stinking huge black lab. Sweet lab, but huge lab. Wallace, I love you, but you made me thankful that my dogs have mouths that are about 1/4 the size of yours and do not slobber. Hang in there, big guy.

  • Movies
  • We found ourselves among the throng of Americans who gave money to Harrison Ford. Entertaining? A bit. And I will admit that you just have to dig Indiana Jones on some level. But the aliens? Not so much...

  • Books
  • As some of you long-time readers may know, I'm trying to read more. Not because I'm attempting to overcome decades of illiteracy, but because I'm trying to overcome decades of a TV addiction. Anyhow, I picked up a Jodi Picoult book from our shelves, Plain Truth, and devoured it in three days time. I find that once I get into a book I enjoy, I have a hard time putting it down. I almost become hostile when interrupted, which I know, I need to work on...but it's got to be better than wasting hours watching E! or TLC.

  • Hung Out
  • We had some folks over last night for what was intended to be a game night, but instead was just a hang out and talk night. I baked cookies, made hummus and we straightened up the house. All in all, just fun to catch up with some friends we hadn't seen in a bit.

  • Sunday School
  • We have been teaching 1st grade Sunday school at church lately. This past Sunday, we had some good one-liners from the kids, the most notable coming during the teaching time when we were discussing the disciples.

    Teacher: "Kids, do you know who Peter is?"

    Kid: Excitedly raising his hand, "Yeah! He's a Cub Scout!"

    Teacher: "Oh, ok. Yes, and he was also a disciple."

    I love the way their minds work sometimes...

Hope you enjoyed the weekend as well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kim! I now know where I can catch up with you! Here is our blog page. www.jamescotter.blogspot.com Yes I am included but its mainly James' racing blog and I also put in posts for recipes,etc. Hope you and Amar are well!
Lindsay Cotter (you know- the old Taylor) :P