Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Yes, I'm still here

I know that I haven't posted much lately. Some of you may have thought that we were trapped in our house by the tree that fell, and thus, unable to reach out to the internets. However, that was not the case.

We were trapped momentarily, and coincidentally, my work email was broken. So we were all but stranded. But then men with chainsaws visited, cut up our fallen foliage, and we were on our way....all for free! Having an insurance agent who is also in the good ol' boys club and is also your uncle: priceless

So, since then all things technology have been waging war on me. Although I was able to take a break from that and spend some time with a cute baby (pictures here). My friend Kim and I, during a nap time for both momma and baby, used our creative skills in baby styling to come up with the following:

Yep...don't ever leave us alone with your child. That's pretty much the lesson learned here.

More to come on the "getting smacked down by all things electronic" later...


Amanda said...

Is this Baby Sellers? So, so cute! How old is he? What's his name?

Also glad the tree got taken care of. Hope you didn't have to lose the whole thing...

kimmie said...

Yep - it's baby Sellers! He's a cutie!

And for the tree, we were able to keep about 1/3 of it...we'll see if it survives...