- Usage of the TxTag
Since I'm now working out of an office in Round Rock several days each week, we decided that it was worth it to buy a TxTag. So we put it to use for the first time this weekend as we made our way to a friend's house in Pflugerville. Good times, though I'm still not too pleased with toll roads in general... - New kitchen sink
Our 'old' kitchen sink died, and I installed a new one. ('old' being somewhat of a misnomer, since we've only had it for about 4 years!) This was a 'first' because I haven't ever installed a kitchen sink before. Bathroom sinks, yes. Kitchen sinks, no. I take it as a good sign that it's still in working order after the weekend... - Laughing Baby
Our dear friend Tiffany got Anjali to laugh - and it was awesome! Yes, it's always cute when babies laugh, but when it's your kid, it's really fantastic. The only downside? We haven't been able to recreate it...but that's not for lack of trying! - Apple products
Amar surprised me yesterday by taking me to the Apple store and buying an iPad for the family. I was staunchly opposed to owning one, since I didn't really think we needed one, but I actually like it. It's a first real gadget (aside from an iPod Nano) from Apple...and it seemed post-worthy.
I thought I had some more 'firsts' but now I can't think of them...anyhow, hope you had a good weekend too!